Author: BigFoot
A Review:Bigfoot at 50 Evaluating a Half-Century of Bigfoot Evidence – Benjamin Radford
Link to Article:Bigfoot at 50 It’s hard to believe that it’s been over 50 years since the world first heard about Bigfoot! For half a century, people have been searching for this mysterious creature, hoping to finally get some solid proof of its existence. But after all this time, what do we really know about…
The Sasquatch Factor: Exploring the Psychology and Sociology of the Mythical Bigfoot
The legend of Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, has captured the imagination of people around the world for decades. Despite the lack of concrete evidence for the creature’s existence, the myth remains popular and has inspired numerous books, films, and television shows. In this report, we will explore the psychological and sociological factors that may…
Oklahoma’s Controversial Plan to Hunt Bigfoot: Ethical or Exciting?
In January 2021, the state of Oklahoma introduced a bill proposing the establishment of an official hunting season for Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch. The bill, introduced by state representative Justin Humphrey, aims to boost tourism in the state by attracting Bigfoot hunters to the Ouachita Mountains, a region known for a high number of…
The Future of Cryptid Research: What We Hope to Discover
The Sasquatch Research Team (SRT) is dedicated to uncovering the truth about cryptids and pushing the boundaries of exploration. As part of this mission, we are launching an expedition to the Gifford Pinchot National Forest in southern Washington to investigate potential cryptid activity. The expedition will involve intense fieldwork in the area, including the use…
Citizen Science and Cryptid Research: How You Can Help
Welcome to the world of citizen science and cryptid research! As part of the Sasquatch Research Team (SRT), we are dedicated to uncovering the truth about cryptids and pushing the boundaries of exploration. As a citizen scientist, you can join us in this mission by helping to collect evidence, observe and document findings, and spread…
Exploring the Absence of Physical Evidence for Cryptids: The Mystery of Missing Fossils
For centuries, people around the world have been fascinated by Cryptids, or mythical creatures such as Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and others. Despite numerous reported sightings, there has been a significant lack of physical evidence to support the claims of cryptid sightings. This has given rise to the mystery of the missing fossils of…
Bigfoot’s Winter Camouflage: Uncovering the Mystery!
Have you ever heard the tales of Bigfoot roaming the forests and mountains of the United States? Some believe that Bigfoot is a myth, but for many, the creature is a reality. But what about in the winter? Bigfoot has been known to hide in plain sight due to its ability to blend in with…
Uncovering the Mystery of Bigfoot: A Newbie’s Guide to Tracking
Are you curious about the mysterious creature known as Bigfoot? Have you ever wanted to track the elusive creature, but don’t know where to start? Then this blog post is for you! In this article, we will provide a beginner’s guide to tracking Bigfoot, including detailed instructions on finding prints in wet soil, the significance…
5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Wilderness Expedition Guide: Seeking the Perfect Guide for Your Adventure!
When planning a wilderness expedition, it is essential to find the right guide. The right guide can make or break a trip, so it is important to evaluate the guide before booking a trip. Choosing the right guide is a process that involves several considerations, and it is important to take the time to do…
Investigating the Link Between Bigfoot and the Grendel in Beowulf
Introduction The legend of Bigfoot has captivated the imaginations of people around the world for centuries. This mythical creature has been described as a large, hairy, humanoid-like creature that is said to exist in the forests of North America. Bigfoot sightings have been reported in remote, wooded areas, and sightings have even been reported in…